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Author: prbees
Killer Bees: Swarms and Attacks in Arizona
Updated 06/26/19
Martin Harvey / Getty Images
Off the top of your head, if you try to list the worst biting pests in Arizona, probably topping that list would be rattlesnakes, scorpions, or even fire ants. However, killer bees are a big problem in Arizona—mostly during bee season from March to October, which tracks with warmer temperatures. It is important for you to know what to do if you encounter a swarm.
Aggressive Africanized Honey Bees
Killer bees are actually referring to Africanized honey bees, which are an aggressive hybrid of an African honey bee that has been bred with a Brazilian honey bee. If you encounter a swarm or get bitten by a bee, do not panic.
If you or someone you know is stung and experiencing shortness of breath or difficulty swallowing, call 911 or seek immediate medical attention.
Killer bees are considered a nuisance bee because they will launch an attack on people or animals that unintentionally stray into their territory. This aggressive variety of bee does not have to be disturbed or provoked; even simple noises or vibrations have been known to cause an attack. This type of bee has been known to a chase a person for up to a quarter of a mile.
In the 1990s, swarms of the crossbred bees reached the United States. In 1993, the hybrid bees became a problem for Arizona and New Mexico. According to the University of Arizona, if you encounter a honey bee, it is safe to assume that it is the Africanized variety.
How Dangerous Is the Killer Bee?
The sting of the Africanized honey bee is no more potent than your garden variety honey bee and they look pretty much the same. There is no concrete number of stings that are safe or that are lethal.
According to the Merck Manual medical reference:
“The average unsensitized person can safely tolerate 22 stings per kilogram of body weight; thus, the average adult can withstand greater than 1000 stings, whereas 500 stings can kill a child.”
Twenty-two stings per kilogram are roughly 10 stings per pound of body weight. There is a documented case of a man who survived more than 2,000 bee stings. There are others who are very sensitive or allergic to bee stings. Each year in the U.S. up to 100 people die from bee stings, many of whom had allergic reactions to the stings. Pets are also vulnerable.
Killer bees get the “killer bee” moniker because they are more easily provoked, quick to swarm, attack in greater numbers, and pursue their victims for greater distances. The killer bee colony can remain agitated longer. These colonies can be very large, and they are not particularly selective about the location of their hives.
If You Are Stung
If you or someone you know is stung, experiencing shortness of breath, difficulty swallowing, fainting, vomiting, turning pale, or experiencing a rapid or slowing heart rate or pulse, call 911 or seek immediate medical attention. Anyone who gets 30 or more bee stings should seek medical attention.
For the general care and treatment of Africanized honey bee stings, scrape stingers off as soon as you get to an indoor safe place. Wash the sting site with soap and water, apply a topical antibiotic, or ice wrapped in a cloth to soothe the discomfort.
Do Not Kill the Killer Bees
Although this bee can be aggressive, all types of bees remain important and productive insects for the environment, which is why bee fumigation and insecticides are discouraged.
If you notice a colony in a populated area, call a bee specialist or the local fire department to assess and handle the colony relocation. Pay attention if you see a few bees coming in and out of cracks in walls, utility boxes, or other enclosed places. Do not try to remove a beehive without professional help. Contact the Better Business Bureau for beekeepers, bee removal services, bee supplies, or pest control services. If you see a beehive on public property or in a park, contact the city in which it is located and let them know so they can take appropriate action.
Where Bees Like to Live
Killer bees hives or colonies are likely to develop near canals, drainage ditches, and retention basins because they like to be near water. The Africanized queen bee can lay up to 1,500 eggs a day. Sometimes, when they sense rain, the hive may swarm.
In Arizona, the killer bee colonies have grown; the more aggressive colonies are those that have survived drought periods. The summer is the peak period for bee attacks because there is less honey, and the bees become more protective of their hives.
How to Avoid a Swarm
Check the perimeter of your house regularly for bee colonies. Check storage sheds, dog houses, meter boxes, flower pots, trees, shrubs, piles of wood or debris, and crevices. Be careful moving or cleaning up debris or items that have been lying around outside the house. Seal cavities and crevices that might make for good hive location. Install a cover over the chimney when not in use.
Keep pets and children inside when using lawn mowers, clippers, blowers, or any other equipment that makes noise or could inadvertently disturb a beehive. Never pen or tether animals near beehives.
Wear light-colored clothing around your home, when hiking, or visiting unknown areas. Do not wear floral or citrus perfumes or aftershave when doing yard work or hiking.
If a Bee Attack Occurs
Have an escape plan in the event of a bee attack. Do not play dead or swat at the bees. If you notice a swarm coming your way, quickly get into a house, car, tent, or other enclosure. Close any doors or windows.
The key is to run away as fast as you can in a straight line. Bees are slow fliers. Most healthy people should be able to outrun the bees. Be prepared to run up to the length of two football fields.
Do not jump into a pool or underwater. The bees will wait until you surface for air to attack. Your face will be the first area to be stung.
Protect your face to prevent stings to the eyes, nose, and in the mouth. Bees attack where carbon dioxide is expelled. Facial stings are much more dangerous than stings to the body. Pull your shirt over your head if no other protection is available.
Killer Bees History
In 1956, the African bees were brought to Brazil so that scientists there could try to develop a honey bee better adapted to tropical areas. Unfortunately, some of the bees escaped and began breeding with local Brazilian honey bees. Since 1957, these bees and their hybrid offspring, Africanized honey bees, have been multiplying and migrating to other regions.
The first swarm of Africanized bees in the United States was documented in 1990 in Hidalgo, Texas. They were found in Arizona and New Mexico in 1993, California in 1994, and in Nevada in 1998. Africanized honey bees can be found in most of mid and southern Texas, about one-third of New Mexico, all over Arizona, the southern half of New Mexico, and the southern third of California.
Killer bees continue to migrate northward and have reached most of the southern U.S. up to the Chesapeake Bay area.
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Puerto Rico Bee Recovery Efforts
We are now on day 110, the island remains nearly forty six (46) percent without electricity and public water, while Speculations are that by May of 2018 the public systems will be restored.
Bee keepers throughout the island are scrambling to capture as many swarms as possible and placing them in safe lounges, or added to their hives. Unprecedented calls for the safe removal of bees have allowed local apis to restock and or replenish their hives before the harvest.
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All in all the bees are being rounded up and readied for the New Years sessions.
Why dying bees may cause a public health problem
A new study examines the death, disease, and health issues humans might face if a worldwide decline in animal pollinators continues.
Fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and honey: these are all nutrition-rich foods that are produced with the help of animal pollinators, especially bees. In fact, an estimated 35 percent of the world’s food is dependent on animal pollinators.
A new study published in The Lancet examines what might happen to humans’ health if there are not enough bees, birds, insects and other animals to pollinate the food that humans rely on for important vitamins and nutrients.
Dr. Samuel Myers, a Senior Research Scientist at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and a coauthor of the study, says fewer pollinators’ means more vitamin deficiency, more sickness and even death for humans.
Myers’ study examined 224 types of food in 156 countries, and what might happen to the people in these countries if there was a 50 percent, 75 percent or even 100 percent decline in animal pollinators.
“What we found was that in the least developed countries, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia, we see a significant increase in the risk of vitamin A deficiency and folate deficiency,” Myers says.
The outcome of these nutrient deficiencies would likely mean increased birth defects, and child mortality rates. According to the study, if there is a 100 percent decline in pollinators, 71 million people around the world would face a vitamin A deficiency, and 130 million people would face a folate deficiency. This in addition to the one to two billion people who already suffer from these deficiencies.
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“People in more developed settings were more vulnerable to pollinator declines because their risks of the non-communicable diseases, of heart disease and stroke and certain cancers, their baseline risk was already higher. So the loss of pollinator dependent food groups increased their risk still further. We found large burdens of disease in places like Eastern Europe and Central and Eastern Asia in response to pollinator declines and really across the developed world,” Myers says.
Myers’ study also zeroes in on whether the declining pollinator populations of individual countries would have a wider impact on the public health of neighboring countries and trade partners. What the researchers found, however, was that 82 percent of the total burden of disease from declining pollinators was the result of declines within that country. “That’s an important finding because it suggests that how a given country manages its own pollinator populations actually has very significant bearing on its own public health,” Myers says.
The threat to humans’ supply of food and nutrients is compounded by the fact that the world’s population is expected to grow by billions of people. What’s more, scientists are warning that there are an increasing number of threats to the world’s supply of food as a result of climate change.
“We need to think about a whole suite of complex changes which are under way and that pollinator declines is one part of the story, but so are impacts of climate change on agricultural yields and changes in the status of global fisheries, changes in the nutritional value of food in response to carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, into complex environmental changes which are going to be interacting to produce what I believe will be significant headwinds in trying to meet growing demand for food around the world,” Meyers says.
“We cannot continue to rapidly transform all the natural systems on the planet without experiencing consequences to our own health and well-being, and what’s been viewed for decades as a growing environmental crisis really needs to be viewed as also a growing public health crisis,” Meyers adds
This story is based on an interview that aired on PRI’s Living on Earth with Steve Curwood
What is an Apis mellifera
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Proyectos de investigación ambiciosos
La Junta de Almendras de California anunció recientemente proyectos de investigación ambiciosos que le costará $ 2.5 millones y se espera que seguir avanzando en los esfuerzos de los productores para llegar a prácticas agrícolas más eficientes para reducir la cantidad de agua aplicada al cultivo.
“Los agricultores usan 33 por ciento menos de agua para crecer una libra de almendras que lo hicieron hace dos décadas”, dijo el CEO de la Junta de Almendras Richard Waycott al anunciar los nuevos esfuerzos de investigación.
A pesar de estas mejoras en el ahorro de agua, los productores han sido criticadas por algunos debido a la cantidad de agua que se necesita para hacer crecer el cultivo.
Waycott dijo que la investigación anunciada “impulsará la próxima ronda de la innovación para asegurar que continuamos creciendo sana, comida nutritiva al tiempo que mejora la eficiencia del agua y continua para proteger a nuestros socios de polinización.”
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Las abejas de miel son vitales para la polinización de almendras y otros cultivos, y se planifican proyectos de salud de la abeja de la miel de nueve.
Las áreas de investigación incluyen la búsqueda de soluciones a la amenaza planteada por el ácaro Varroa y otras plagas, manejo de la enfermedad y la miel de abeja de forraje, la falta de diversidad genética de la abeja de la miel, el impacto de los plaguicidas y la asistencia técnica para los apicultores.
Los investigadores también continúan buscando en lo que se denominan “almendra autocompatibles”, que han reducido la dependencia de las abejas.
¿Cómo puede saber la diferencia entre miel pura y Miel artificial?
Soluciones de azúcar invertido y jarabe de glucosa o maíz se utilizan para hacer miel falsa, mezclado con él o sustituirlo totalmente.
Otro método para la falsificación de la miel está alimentando las abejas con productos del azúcar.
El método de “inocente” de la falsificación de la miel es la adición de agua (agua que contiene más del 25% de la miel, se considera a ser falsificadas).
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Miel artificial es un alimento con muchas deficiencias, que representa una solución de jarabe de azúcar invertido, que viene del azúcar refinado, que a menudo tiene otros ingredientes agregados, generalmente resumido como: potenciadores del sabor, jarabe, colorantes y sabores glucosa. Tal una preparación sintética puede lograrse en condiciones domésticas, pero necesita saber que no es saludable. Miel artificial contiene un físico mezcla de glucosa y fructosa centró en elementos que se han separado de la combinación anterior, que de la sucrosa (azúcar).
Azúcar invertido artificial, también llamada Miel artificial, es un jarabe, soluble en agua, con un sabor dulce, resultantes de la hidrólisis de la sacarosa. Es ampliamente utilizado en la industria alimentaria como edulcorante, atrayendo críticas de muchos nutricionistas y médicos.
Ponentes en el primer simposio internacional sobre la miel y la salud humana
Ponentes en el primer simposio internacional sobre la miel y la salud humana, presentan una serie de trabajos de investigación. La investigación se aplicó a miel cruda sin pasteurizar y de los resultados incluidos. La evidencia experimental indica que el consumo de la miel puede mejorar la sensibilidad de insulina y control de azúcar en la sangre comparada con otros edulcorantes. Tolerancia del cuerpo a la miel es significativamente mejor que la sacarosa o glucosa sola. Individuos con mayor intolerancia a la glucosa (por ejemplo, aquellos con diabetes tipo 1 y diabetes leve) mostraron tolerancia significativamente mejor a la miel que la sacarosa.
Además, los antioxidantes en la miel, que se han demostrado para reducir el estrés oxidativo, con frecuencia por un factor mayor que puede explicarse por su importe real, pueden ser beneficioso para los diabéticos y ayuda a mejorar la salud vascular y la función endotelial (la función de las células que conforman el revestimiento de los vasos sanguíneos).
- Bacteria’s amistosas – Diferentes variedades de miel poseen una gran cantidad de bacterias buenas (6 especies de 4 especies de bifidobacterias y lactobacilos), que puede explicar muchas de las “misteriosas propiedades terapéuticas de la miel”.
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Lactobacillus, entregan beneficios protectores y beneficiosos para las abejas, así como los seres humanos, no fueron encontrados en el estómago de miel de las abejas durante los meses de invierno cuando las abejas bajo investigación fueron alimentadas con sacarosa, lo indica ciertas prácticas de alimentación de abejas pueden tener efectos no deseados y peligrosos en las abejas.
- Control de azúcar en la sangre — Miel puede promover mejor control de azúcar en la sangre. Adecuado abastecimiento de combustible del hígado es central en metabolismo de la glucosa óptimo durante el sueño y ejercicio. La miel es el combustible ideal de hígado ya que contiene una proporción de casi 1:1 de fructosa a la glucosa. Fructosa “desbloquea” la enzima del núcleo de la célula del hígado que es necesaria para la incorporación de glucosa a glucógeno (la forma en que el azúcar se almacena en las células del hígado y músculo). Una tienda adecuada de glucógeno en el hígado es esencial para proveer al cerebro con combustible cuando estamos durmiendo y durante el ejercicio prolongado. Cuando las reservas de glucógeno son insuficientes, el cerebro desencadena la liberación de las hormonas del estrés, adrenalina y cortisol, para convertir la proteína muscular en glucosa. Repetidos de estrés metabólico del cortisol produce cuando menos óptima de glucógeno hepático está disponible durante el sueño, conduce con el tiempo, al metabolismo de la glucosa, resistencia a la insulina, diabetes y aumento del riesgo de enfermedad cardiovascular y obesidad.